Should You Really Quit Your Job? (Read Before Resigning)

Simple Takeaway:

Don’t leave a job just because you’re frustrated, stretched, or bored. Live on less, contribute more, become a learner, and get better at relational conflict. Then see if you still hate your job. If you still can’t live on what you’re being paid, it doesn’t fit with how you contribute, there isn’t something you should learn before leaving, you’re not just annoyed with people, and you feel like God is leading you to something else, then move on. And quickly.

People are quitting their jobs at an alarming rate in America.

In 2023, 44 million people quit their jobs. Ten years earlier, in 2013, 27 million people quit their jobs.

That’s a 63% increase in just ten years.

Number of people who quit their jobs in America

Roughly 70% of Americans are not engaged at their jobs.

The average time people spend at a job before leaving is only about 4.5 years.

Congratulations, America. We now have a quitting culture.

If you’re thinking about quitting your job, here are a few questions to ask yourself before leaving:

Do I really need more money?

One source found that only 19% of people are comfortable with the amount of money they make at their job.

If your bills are higher than your income, then you’ll always have one foot out the door.

Fear is a terrible distraction, and it’ll steal your focus every time.

But be real honest with yourself. Which is the problem: your income or your expenditures?

83% of Americans say they overspend. Are you in that category, too?


“More” is a moving target. Chasing more will only lead to more chasing.

Can I contribute more?

We were created to contribute, not consume. The most fulfilled people are usually the ones who prioritize serving over being served.

If you want to quit your job, there’s a good chance that deep down you feel like you’re not contributing in a meaningful way.

Here’s how you can figure out how you’re uniquely gifted to contribute:

What are you good at? Everyone gets tired of doing things they suck at.

What do you enjoy doing? If you don’t at least somewhat enjoy it, you probably won’t stick with it.

Is the work you’re doing important? If you can’t see how the work you’re doing is impacting someone’s life in some way, you’ll always feel like something’s missing.

Are you doing something that you can see is clearly making an impact on your customers, co-workers, community, or family?

If not, try to find that perspective. You might be able to stick it out as long as you’re getting paid enough, you like it, and you’re good at it; but doing your best work comes from finding practical value in what you’re doing.

Jobs that encompass all three of those areas are in your “service sweet spot”. See if you can find that at your job now. If not, it might be time to consider other options.

Is there something I need to learn before moving on?

Ask yourself, “Am I learning the lessons that are available here or am I looking for a way around them?”

It isn’t smart to go to calculus without first learning pre-calculus. You’ll make mistakes that can lead to failure at the next level.

In the same way, dodging the lessons you have available to you now will only make your next transition more painful when you have to relearn what you skip now.

We learn best when we’re stretched outside of our comfort zone, so try to embrace what’s available to you right now that could help you better serve in the future.

Is there actual abuse going on?

If there genuinely is some sort of abuse going on, get out. Obviously.

Just because someone just gets on your nerves doesn’t mean they’re toxic.

They’re not toxic; they’re just different than you. Annoying people need compassion. Toxic people need boundaries. Let’s not get them confused.

If you walk away from everyone you disagree with, you’ll pretty quickly find yourself isolated and alone.

Do God and wise counsel say it’s time to go?

Life is seasonal, and there’s a time to move and a time to stay put.

The only way you’ll truly know if it’s time to leave your job or stay is by hearing God’s guidance through his Word and through advice from other God-pursuing people.

Another extremely important aspect to consider is your vision for the future.

Godly vision overflows from an intimate knowledge of God’s intentions. The more we learn how he thinks, the more we see what we should do.

Once we know his heart, then we can make decisions that line up with his vision.

Should you stay or should you go?

Don’t leave a job just because you’re frustrated, annoyed, challenged, stretched, or bored.


  • Living on less
  • Contributing more in different ways
  • Learning from lessons available to you
  • Getting better with relational conflict

If you can’t live on what you’re being paid, it doesn’t fit with how you contribute, there isn’t something you should learn before leaving, you’re not just annoyed with people, and you feel like God is leading you to something else…

Then please, for the sake of the people who need you to move on, move on.