Author: Mike P. Taylor
Why College Is a Great Investment (for About 30% of Students)
in WorkIs college worth it? Consider these stats: But here’s the issue… America has a serious higher education problem. We’ve brainwashed kids into thinking college is the only path to success. The majority of high school graduates want to go to college, yet the majority of them don’t know why. The phrase “college dropout” has become…
The Art of Starting Something New Without Losing Everything and Failing Miserably
in WorkHave you ever gotten tired of the way things are and decided to start something new? Maybe it’s your job, your car, your hobbies, your hair, your clothes, the music you listen to, the way the organization you work for operates, the work you do within your organization, etc. There’s nothing inherently “bad” about wanting…
The Uncomfortable Relationship Between Self-Promotion and Positive Influence
Influential people embrace self-promotion. Non-influential people shy away from self-promotion out of misguided humility. Here’s why self-promotion is important: In society, people need things. Food, housing, education, transportation, friendships, counseling, mentorship, etc. When people have choices, they need help deciding which things are best-suited to serve their needs. Let’s say Jane Doe traditionally buys any…
How to Overcome Fear by Building Positive Experiences and Micro-Memories
The reason you don’t have the life, character, memories, job, or friends you want is fear. Fear tells you to hold back, play it safe, don’t let people get too close, don’t be too vulnerable, don’t dream, don’t believe in anything bigger than yourself, and don’t have hope for a better tomorrow. Fear tells you…
What Some of the Greatest Innovators in History Have in Common
What do Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Oprah, and Steve Jobs all have in common? Of course, they are all iconic innovators who have changed the way the world thinks and acts, but that goes without saying. Looking beyond the obvious, each of them faced the same issue at some point in their journey…
Why Dreamers Usually Quit
in WorkIn my line of work, I work with a lot of “idea people”. Almost without exception, they start out extremely passionate about something, then within a matter of weeks they fizzle out. The idea they were once on fire about is now the furthest thing from their mind. It’s amazing how quickly people can give…
There’s Nothing Special About Leaders
in Work“Leader” is not a special title given to you. It’s not something you get to be one day when the time is right. Leaders are simply problem solvers. They see a problem and they decide to change it. Then they motivate people around them to solve it with them. When people complain about not having…
Why Prioritization Is The Key to a Happy and Fulfilled Life
You don’t have to “do better” to have a better life. If you’re struggling, you don’t need to start fixing things. Instead, consider this… The order of your priorities is the leading indicator of a peaceful and fulfilled life. Every time you decide to do something, you’re deciding to not to something else. Doing less…